Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Boko Haram

Boko Haram had five Female suicide bombers who  killed more than 31 a few days ago at Damboa, 31 in the Government area.
Following the attack they concentrated on those who were celebrating Eid al Fitr holiday.
Then the bombers turned a rocket propelled grenade onto the crowd that had gathered after the killings! Boko Haram has been quiet for a couple of months and now we see what is happening, they are consolidating their group in Nigeria. What happened to all those girls that were kidnapped all that time ago? Are they going to start that again? Life for a female in Nigeria is not a good prospect!   What happened to the marches last year of Free our girls! It is concerning that they have decided on female suicide bombers. Back in the old days in Libya, Gaddafi had female soldiers in the bad old days. But they were not fanatics like this! 

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