Friday, July 19, 2019

Life with MS

It is the most frustrating disease, the body is willing but the body is weak and wobbles about all over the place, I used to be a dancer in Australia and hitch hiked all the way across the Continent which was much bigger than I expected! We have no conception of the distances that the population in OZ treat as just down the road! I expected that I would travel with a friend but one meets people on the way, I met a Canadian girl on the quay going to Tasmania and I asked her which way was she going and she said to the left so I went the same way. I was at Exeter University Training in Dance and Drama. So I hitchhiked on the Tarmac and we got a lift to the Flying Doctors in Derby and they gave me a lift to a Station in the Kimberleys where I got a job as a cook and teacher to the Family called Quilties. My friend Irene was at another station next door and a couple of months We split up and I suddenly saw her and stopped the bus and rushed down to see her. She was very laid back and just said "Hi". We were able to share a tent until we met up with the other people on our little expedition.
I suppose I am saying if you are diagnosed with MS it limits you in some ways but they are making such advances and hopefully there are such advances and keep hopeful.
Maybe they will fined a cure before too long!

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