Sunday, December 29, 2019

Soya beans are destroying life for those in South America.

Soya Bean Image by Jan den Ouden from Pixabay
Soya beans are destroying life in South America as there are huge areas where large areas are planted with Soya beans using a lot of land which can be used for other products. Do you buy Soya Milk? It was all the rage and a healthy alternative! But in the Rainforest they are cutting down the trees ploughing the land up and this is happening a world away but at what cost to the world!

Then there is Palm Oil which is in many products, mayonnaise and hand creams, can we not do without these?  Buying in a supermarket one should spend a long time reading the labels, and why don't the shops accentuate the ingredients. They seem to have a conspiracy among the Supermarkets to make more money than they should. After a most indulgent Christmas for we of the First World, where does our rubbish go? Into land filled all over the world and we are responsible for the removal of all this detritus! It is concerning that there seems to be little for us to do but it is by example things can change and by talking to friends, hopefully things will change. I pray that will happen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The demise of the Orangutans

It just keeps me awake at night remembering a solitary young Orangutan reaching up to a machine trying to fend off this machine from destroying a burning tree which is his food that is disappearing his life and his vanishing food! The Forest is being destroyed and her food as well.

Judi Dench has adopted a couple of these animals. When I was travelling in the area after University I was hitchhiking round the near East through Bali, Indonesia and Sumatra where I was lucky enough to see them. This was 40 years ago!They were on one of the islands, in an area of forest which was destroyed by the Loggers. The Indigenous tribes are in trouble too.The tribes are under threat; one had no idea what would happen to this part of the globe! They are sure that they will be murdered very soon. Will we hear about it! :/

It is so sad that the creatures that seemed easily seen are now under threat, when we travel up to London we used to have the wind screen covered with insects, but now we hardly see any. All the birds that are now on the endangered list, in the garden here there are so many Goldfinches being fed by there mothers. But all the animals that I saw as a child are now quite rare from harvest mice to Red Squirrels, Polecats further North towards Scotland, it is so sad that my Grandchildren may not be able to see these lovely creatures.

Meanwhile some good news to end with. I have seen lots of Goldfinches in the garden today and the Mums being called over to feed the babies - two lots they did if not more!

Again Blue Tits and Coal Tits, and again a few more butterflies - including Painted Ladies that have flown from sub Saharan Africa. It is amazing how these tiny fragile things travel all that way and we must protect them. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Demise of the Pangolin

Animal, Pangolin, Wild, Pangolin

How many people know what a Pangolin is? I was watching a programme on the Pangolin that were smuggled over the border in Malaysia alive but soon to die, and how many are there left? A lady had brought up a Pangolin and become very attached to this individual. Very few people have heard of these creatures, but I feel that they need protecting. This lady had brought up this individual and when she put her hand by it it began to suckle her hand, so you realise how much this individual meant to her. I saw a programme last night about these creatures nobody knows much about them, they are distributed throughout the rainforests of Asia                                                    

Friday, July 19, 2019

Life with MS

It is the most frustrating disease, the body is willing but the body is weak and wobbles about all over the place, I used to be a dancer in Australia and hitch hiked all the way across the Continent which was much bigger than I expected! We have no conception of the distances that the population in OZ treat as just down the road! I expected that I would travel with a friend but one meets people on the way, I met a Canadian girl on the quay going to Tasmania and I asked her which way was she going and she said to the left so I went the same way. I was at Exeter University Training in Dance and Drama. So I hitchhiked on the Tarmac and we got a lift to the Flying Doctors in Derby and they gave me a lift to a Station in the Kimberleys where I got a job as a cook and teacher to the Family called Quilties. My friend Irene was at another station next door and a couple of months We split up and I suddenly saw her and stopped the bus and rushed down to see her. She was very laid back and just said "Hi". We were able to share a tent until we met up with the other people on our little expedition.
I suppose I am saying if you are diagnosed with MS it limits you in some ways but they are making such advances and hopefully there are such advances and keep hopeful.
Maybe they will fined a cure before too long!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Destroying the Amazon Rain Forest.

I was inspired when I was at school by a teacher at this small school in East Grinstead called Miss Greeley and she came from Breed and when she talked about "The Rain Forest" she entered another world and you knew she was there in her mind. I am not sure whether she had ever been there, as she was very disabled; she looked as if she had had polio as a child, but she had mentally been there.
This was a small school which is now closed in Crowborough in East Sussex with an enlightened Headmistress called Miss Cholmley. I as a school girl only realised this with hind sight!
How do you have some effect on a world leader whose actions will influence us all!
I have spoken to a lot of people who are as concerned as I am.We think that if you can raise enough money to buy "The Rain Forest" you could stop this man in South America cutting down all the trees. Judi Dench is on at this moment in a series called "Judi Dench's Wild Borneo Adventure" which is very exciting and she has adopted three Orangutans which she says are very under threat. The mothers are killed so the young have no way of knowing the way to behave, and there is an Orphan sanctuary in the area of which Judi has become a patron.
I think that there are enough people that believe in what is happening to the planet and want to do something about it. It is so sad that there are many species that haven't been discovered yet in the Rain Forest and there are certain leaves that are medicinal and can be used an have not been discovered yet. Please protect The Rain Forest!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A New Beginning!

I said to our Prayer Group that we should look at life as "New Beginnings" with no idea that Will was struck by Cancer.
This was very lucky as Will playing with the grandchildren in Dubai felt that he had done something to his insides and thought it could be a hernia, everyone said that you could live with a hernia. But a Doctor in Guys Hospital thought he needed a scan which they gave him, They discovered that as the Doctor said there was two areas of cancer. The tumours had been leaching out making him feel lethargic  The Doctor felt he needed an op in Kings College hospital the  hospital in London then he went into hospital and was put in a ward that was all cancer patients and they and he could have nothing by mouth and was so thirsty this went for 10 days with this regime.
He had some vivid dreams whilst this was going on and the children were amazing and all came to see him. We thank all the friends that supported us.
The Doctor was quite right and we were in luck as he had a very large abdominal op, but thank God he still with us!
My "New Beginnings" wasn't what I had expected!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Arriving in Cornwall

Arriving in Cornwall! A very emotional trip, saying goodbye to those you loved and saying hallo to strangers! But would become soulmates.
We had been swimming with the family in Joseph's pool in his garden and Will was doing Grumpy's thing of throwing grandchildren into the pool and felt he had done something to himself maybe a hernia or something similar. He went to a doctor at King's Hospital in South  London who did some investigations, he was always feeling tired and no one could tell him why, but this doctor thought there was something else going on and gave him a scan an then discovered that he had abdominal tumour - a cancer - which required a major op which he had at Kings.
Getting back here Will and myself suddenly found that a lot of our friends are coping with the same problem and the article I was writing on soya beans will have to wait! But it will come!