Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Now what stopped me from being a teacher? I was sheep farming. After Sheep Dipping and the onset of MS, a lot of people in the farming business realised what was happening. At a meeting in Parliament with Andy Burnham there were many farmers who had very sad tales to tell! The Government do not want any link between Organophoshates and illness in farmers but we are now being told by the Authorities to keep away from the Sheep Dip if we are not in protective clothing. Because the toxic Sheep Dip went straight through overalls. Life has been difficult but that is nothing to the effect on some farmers and their livelihood. I saw the most tragic tales of farmers unable to continue doing what they love most on their farms.
This has been going on for years we are left in limbo again! Is there nothing we can do?
Veronica Morris.

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