Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Moving forward on Plastics

We are trying to get the most publicity in the local supermarkets the Sainsbury and Tescos, Aldi and Waitrose. How can we persuade the big Supermarkets to do what they have done in Holland and have an Aisle free of plastics. People are more aware of the problem and Penzance is one of cities that is committed to becoming plastic free!
We heard today Tuesday 16th 2018 that "Iceland" had made a commitment to go completely plastic free, which is a good start. There is a guy who is travelling in a boat taking samples of the sea and finding how many micro plastic beads there are in the sea; scarey.
What can we do about this or can I change things but with a couple of friends one gets the message.
People are becoming more aware of the situation thanks to Blue Planet and David Attenborough giving advice. This means that each one of us must do our bit and stop buying plastic, very easy to say but we have been so seduced by the use of plastics. We look at how we managed before the war then milk was delivered in bottles and you reused them. Far better!

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