Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sad Sudan

What is going on in South Sudan? It is never talked about and hardly ever reported from. How do we know what is happening there? One brave lady came to talk to us about it at a meeting in the house. I kept asking her why did she go to South Sudan. She said that she was a teacher and with a friend who was HIV positive set up a school in Nimule near Juba. The two of them had started a school, they had encouraged the diaspora to stay and join the school. They had got 60 on the school role.
Rebecca is a very self effacing young lady and there were a great many people who had come out to see both of them and Rebecca was moved as she says "moved by the spirit" and talked to all the people and told them how they had been guided to start the school.
She had never spoken in public before but as I say she felt that they should know how it had all come about. A remarkable lady that moved us as we listen to her.

We were with a prayer on our lips of to keep her safe!

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