Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sheep Dip and Oganophosphates.

I had a farm in Wales from 2001 to 2015 and the government was saying that we had to dip the sheep once a year in this noxious sheep dip which one was told was the only thing that would prevent Sheep Scab, an irritant for the poor sheep. This I believe was the start of my symptoms of MS. Complete loss of balance and being a dancer this wasn't a help!
A lovely life but so much has been suffered, by those just trying to earn a living. I was invited to the Houses of Parliament by Andy Burnham who was campaigning for Farmers to make the Government recognise that by insisting on using this toxic mixture that many lives are ruined. Time is going by and there is an election looming people are thinking who are they going to vote for. There was a lady who was going to support Andy in his bid to have this "Dip" made illegal. This all started decades ago, farmers have suffered with this with no acknowledgement!

Click on the following titles for articles on official recognition of damage to health done by organophosphates and incriminating sheep dip poisoning HSE report - officially destroyed revealed.

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