Sunday, April 26, 2015

World's Richest Terror Army

I watched on TV on Wednesday 22nd April, the program called World's Richest Terror Army, which was quite mind boggling, In one particular scene was the Group had put explosive charges right round the temple and raised it to the ground, it was totally destroyed.

The money seems to be gained from sale of artifacts, to the travelling tourists. The Pyramids have been looted by these gangs destroying some of the antiquities in the process. This was obviously ISIS which everybody thinks where do they get their money from? From the sale of these antiquities and the ransoms that are paid.

Peter Tayler presented the workings of ISIS. He was even able to get an interview with David Petraeus to admit one of his centres became a Terroist training university, subseqently picked up by those in the US as information that he had given his wife was in fact confidential.

The biggest coup was his interview with Abu Hagir who used to run the group's finances in Iraq.
A meeting in London the question that faced us "Where do we go from here" a difficult and depressing question. What is the answer?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sheep Dip and Oganophosphates.

I had a farm in Wales from 2001 to 2015 and the government was saying that we had to dip the sheep once a year in this noxious sheep dip which one was told was the only thing that would prevent Sheep Scab, an irritant for the poor sheep. This I believe was the start of my symptoms of MS. Complete loss of balance and being a dancer this wasn't a help!
A lovely life but so much has been suffered, by those just trying to earn a living. I was invited to the Houses of Parliament by Andy Burnham who was campaigning for Farmers to make the Government recognise that by insisting on using this toxic mixture that many lives are ruined. Time is going by and there is an election looming people are thinking who are they going to vote for. There was a lady who was going to support Andy in his bid to have this "Dip" made illegal. This all started decades ago, farmers have suffered with this with no acknowledgement!

Click on the following titles for articles on official recognition of damage to health done by organophosphates and incriminating sheep dip poisoning HSE report - officially destroyed revealed.

Organophosphates putting the farmers at risk and now the Army gets similar treatment!

In the Independent on Thursday 16th April the headline was that the Army was being injected with the MOD's anti-malarial drug. Jonathan Owen reports that it is having adverse effects, very similar to the sheep dip. The suicidal tendencies are the same as those dipping sheep experience.
Major General Alistair Duncan is now in a secure psychiatric unit. This Major General was given Lariam, 17,000 suffers from having been given this drug and have shown symptoms of depression. Unfortunately this drug was cheaper than those previously given, but the effects are very concerning. Defense ministries in Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada have banned Larium or use it as a last resort. I think together, with the organophosphates, this drug is a problem. Shouldn't both be banned by the UK?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Where have the Kidnapped girls from Gwoza gone?

Will Ross reports that after all the furore that occurred a year ago, when 300 school girls had been abducted by the group Boko Haram, they had been seen three weeks ago in Gwoza town. The US, China and other powers announced they would help find the girls. But that was over a year ago! A lady had seen the girls and had managed to talk to them saying "Are you the Chibok girls?" they said they were. The leader of the group is Abubakar Shekau who felt that the girls should be treated as slaves and would marry the leaders of the group. Why with all these nations pledging support this appalling situation continues. Seemingly the girls have disappeared in to the Sambisa Forest in the North West of the country. They had to convert Islam although they were Christian and were used as booty and Mr Shekau has pledged allegiance to the Islamic state. They are notorious for abductions in Iraq and Syria. What can be done?  

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Chad & Niger helping to remove Boko Haram from their stronghold.

This happened on Tuesday 31st. of March, despite tales of how this group kidnapped girls and used them with women to be a protective shield against the guns of those pursuing them.
Madjhara Nako reported that Soldiers from Chad, Niger, drew Boko Haram Islamists to the border,
UN human rights chief Zeid Raad also said there are also persistent credible reports of serious violations of human rights and the use of children as cannon fodder according to Nigerian and other Security forces responding to Boko Haram. He calls for a thorough fully transparent investigation.
We all hope that his murderous group will be curtailed.