Sunday, March 29, 2015

Has Boko Haram been destoyed?

A year ago 300 school girls were kidnapped from a very prestigious private school! There was an outcry and the parents marched saying Free our girls! There were rumours that the girls had been sold to the fighters. Rumours that bodies had been found and that they had been incinerated There was great activity yesterday in Northern Nigeria as the stronghold of  Boko Haram had been overrun by the Government troops, as John Hall reported in the Online Mail.

Is this true or just another rumour there again? The talk is that Boko Haram have linked up with ISIS to become a vast Muslim Caliphate. We wait to hear the results of the elections in Nigeria. Will we inherit more problems worldwide!? 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Afghanistan a peaceful protest.

On Sunday 22nd March,there was an altercation between a lady called Fathunda and a male "Soothsayer" outside the temple charging visitors for these remedies. There seemed to be an argument between these two individuals and trouble ensued, the lady was chased behind the temple and others were encouraged by the men in the group to stone and jump on the face of the lady until she was dead. A horrific thing to happen just behind a temple where you would think this should be an area of peace and tranquility.   

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Expansion of Boko Haram's land.

Has the area that Boko Haram occupies expanded? Farouk Chokia quotes from the Koranic Verse "Anyone who is not governed by what Allah has perfected is among the transgressions."

They are fighting the government. Patrick Cockburn cites that ISIS can train and arm thousands of fighters in Northern Kenya. I heard on the radio this morning that there were many kidnapped women and that a mass grave had been discovered in that area. What is extremely concerning is that Boko Haram has teamed up with ISIS to make up one immense Muslim state. Meanwhile the difficulties our allies are having in the battle for Tikrit illustrates one of the great strengths of ISIS that may concern us all.
Veronica Morris.