Saturday, January 10, 2015

Organophosphates and MS

Is there any correlation between multiple sclerosis and the use of organophosphates in sheep dip? Up until 2002 all sheep dips used in the UK had to contain organophosphates by law. These chemicals were similar to Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War. Can the use of these chemicals have lasting effects upon its users? Years ago I kept sheep in Wales and I have always wondered whether the organophosphates I was exposed to when we used sheep dip triggered my MS. I was invited to Parliament to discuss this and it was incredible that a dozen or so of the people there had the symptoms that I have. There is no way that the government can admit that there is a connection between the two otherwise they would be liable to a massive compensation payments. I only found out about this meeting with Andy Burnham MP through a friend  who alerted me to it. Friends said afterwards they would have loved to have gone! Is this a conspiracy by the government to keep us in the dark? It is not that so much, as an admittance that this was the case would give some sort of closure. Farmers have committed suicide because their livelihood had been destroyed before their eyes. Indeed the consequences were damage to their eyes too; they had been affected as had their hearing. They had developed continual headaches - and so it goes on! 

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