Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Keep your own house in order

It was with immense joy that Harriet Sherwood and Hazer Balansha in "The Guardian" today were able to report on the truce that had been declared, even last night on the Gaza area. How long will it last!
According to a friend in Gaza 50,000 apartments are destroyed. In all 20% of the buildings in Gaza were either completely or partly destroyed. The building up of that area, may take a lifetime!
We hear last night of putting our own house in order! Rotherham comes to mind! Where children as young as 11 were handed over for sex too terrified to say anything and the stories get worse and worse. The Council and social services knew about it and they have "Apologised" for taking a child's childhood away is ... words don't describe it. Having children of my own, my heart goes out. Suspiciously there seems to be very little coverage in the papers today! I have just seen Shaun Wright the Police District Commissioner stating that he knew nothing about the situation and refuses to resign, Louise Vaughn -Parents Against Child Abuse.

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