Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Keep your own house in order

It was with immense joy that Harriet Sherwood and Hazer Balansha in "The Guardian" today were able to report on the truce that had been declared, even last night on the Gaza area. How long will it last!
According to a friend in Gaza 50,000 apartments are destroyed. In all 20% of the buildings in Gaza were either completely or partly destroyed. The building up of that area, may take a lifetime!
We hear last night of putting our own house in order! Rotherham comes to mind! Where children as young as 11 were handed over for sex too terrified to say anything and the stories get worse and worse. The Council and social services knew about it and they have "Apologised" for taking a child's childhood away is ... words don't describe it. Having children of my own, my heart goes out. Suspiciously there seems to be very little coverage in the papers today! I have just seen Shaun Wright the Police District Commissioner stating that he knew nothing about the situation and refuses to resign, Louise Vaughn -Parents Against Child Abuse.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The ISIS and the Yezidis

The Daily Telegraph Thurs August 21st. Headlining another's life in British Jihadst's hands. They are again changing the names the rebels are known by. First they were known as ISIS which to the lay person denoted an Islamic state. Zeina Karam reports that even Assad finds ISIS too dangerous as their fighters are approaching Aleppo capturing and slaughtering hundreds of Syrian fighters and  pro government militiamen!   With this inexorable march onwards my heart goes out to those Yezidi people.
ISIS were attacking the Yezidis a couple of days ago.
I heard today a report from Jenni Murray from the British Women's Hour - a very well balanced piece! The women out their are coerced into joining the fighters as their husbands and male members of their families were lined up and shot! These Yezidi tribes were pre-Christian and their history is so ancient that with the gun-men telling them they have to change their religion this was so sacrosanct, they couldn't do it.
The Yezidis, before Christianity came to these shores, had their belief. How many of us would be able to share our beliefs! There is a referendum this month about the Scottish Assembly and how will that go! Ho the Yezidis would love to be left alone in a mini state of their own like the Scots.
I would be pleased that you would think of those Yezidi women at this time.

Seeds of Peace

Women in Power! Seeds of Peace, a group of Women bravely standing for what they believed in.  For everyone. We should support them.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Conspiracy Theory?

I feel that there seems to be a world-wide plot to infiltrate governments and promote the ISIS doctrine! The public's attention is so short and with the people in power keeping funds low they are concerned where the next meal is coming from!
So where are the girls kidnapped from that private school in Nairobi? What has happened to all their parents' demands?
The mystery of that airplane - was it never found and how does that again be buried in the mists of time! The changing of the name sometimes ISIS sometimes Islamic state-  we have mixed messages and a great deal of Misinformation directed at the public.
I feel the general public feels disempowered that there is nothing they can do, sadly some young men and girls have travelled across the world to "Save Syria, Iran, Libya, Yemen. A Muslim lady I know feels so angry that this is happening. This is her country and she resents that at this time although living here quite amicably for years, this should happen.