Sunday, October 13, 2024

Memories of Australia

 I hitchhiked round Australia, and have MS now. I am so glad that I did not have it before I started as I was able to travel in so many places that I wouldn’t been able to get to now, but could do then!

Travelling round Australia, I suppose we had the chance go to the South Pole. But we didn’t.

Sadly I was supposed to travel with a friend, and she was meant to go with me, but did not turn up; but I met Irene in the airport and she became a great friend.  We both worked at adjoining cattle stations in The Kimberlies in The Northern Territories. I got around by hitching lifts with the Flying Doctors. Later we lost touch but I saw her again by chance at a bus station and we finished the rest of the trip together.

At one point I was hitching in Western Australia and the car I was in had an accident and I was thrown out and landed on my head. They took me to hospital. Later we went to a pub and they were all talking about the girl who was thrown out of the car and that was me. Anyway I lived to tell the tale.

But then my father was not that well, so we thought we should go home


Saturday, October 8, 2022

Fighting back in the Amazon

Some are making a difference including:

Amazonian indigenous activist, Nemonte Nenquimo, is living proof that a modern-day “David and Goliath” story is possible. When the Ecuadorian government announced it was going to auction off indigenous land to the highest bidder in the oil industry, Nemonte unified and led her people, the Waorani Nation, to victory in a landmark ruling, protecting 500,000 acres of rainforest from oil exploration and drilling. The lawsuit will go down in history as setting a precedent that indigenous peoples have the right to decide the fate of their territory. TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Bolsonaro destroys the Amazon

Have just heard that Bolsonaro has taken Yanomani prisoners in the Amazon forests. The loggers came across a lady her daughter aged three, raped both and flung them both into the river. Bolsonaro was claiming that the tribes of the area would be respected and protected.

Two investigators have been murdered whilst doing their work in that area. My heart goes out to all those in the Amazon jungle who are being betrayed by this unscrupulous man.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Concern About The Taliban Taking over Afghanistan and how it is effecting women and girls.

We made a huge mistake trying to influence from afar and from our own mistakes who should govern Afghanistan. The Taliban are ignoring the Female students and workers and are ignoring the female workforce.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


We had a farm in South Wales and Sheep dipping in Organophosphates each year and I believe that working with the sheep in this dip started off the MS which I have and I have heard that some farmers have taken there own lives because of this. Something should be done and there needs to be an enquiry so the public can have their say. 

With me this started twenty-five years ago and I have a friend who is allergic to Round Up and this causes her huge problems .

I believe that this poison in this year of the cleaning the planet and saving different species must be foremost in our minds.

For our children and Grandchildren we are stewards of the Planet and should keep it safe for them. Unfortunately we have not made a good start.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Princess Basmah

Princess Basmah has been in Prison for over a year, she is not that well and she was imprisoned with her daughter, she has to have medication every day and with every thing that going on in Afghanistan at the oment one lives in hope, we have another friend who has been emprisoned1 in the same area, there are so many that are abandoned, what can we do, pray for them, but not knowing what is happening to them, a year is a long time, but we realised she was still alive when she was allowed a phone call to her family two months ago but how long will it go on for, she is not that well and needs a couple of injections a day.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Reflections on the G7 in Cornwall

Battery Rocks are not that far from the spot where the G7 are meeting. The boy with the white sun hat is my grandson, Gabriel 

The G7 is taking place just round the corner. We are now amidst the G7 and all the Heads of Government are there, and as Father  Larry suggested that all those people in the ministry should meet and pray for peace in this area and all over the world which we maintain.

We do hope that something comes from this meeting. We hope that all these heads of Government talk to each other. Do they and realise that in the places of worship, where you were not allowed to sing hymns, you are not allowed to embrace one another? It has been a very strange time, 

At last the Virus is under control and we wish these places Peace in our Time