Saturday, February 8, 2020

Too many Prawns!

I was watching (on Brexit day) with Simon Reeve who was travelling round the coast of India and how their catch had changed and how they realised that they were aware that the amount they had in their nets showed that the cheapness of their catch, showed that the boats with dredgers which brought all the catch from the seabed all the young fish that were caught. There were all the young fish and the young fish discarded before they had time to develop and they scrape all the fish off the seabed and it is Prawns that have become so valuable and for the fishermen in the area they are not that so prolific as they were, the Oceans are now being raped by endless dredgers and our Oceans are unable to sustain our appetites!
We are managing to renew the different types of Plankton that has been destroyed by the big boats being dragged over them. There are so many areas we have made difficult for the indigenous people to live and make a living from. The look of the fishermen as they realised they had not caught what they expected, the prawns weren't there, where had they gone? All these huge dredgers had scooped them all up and as I say the oceans are being raped. Every programme on the TV has the presenter cooking delicious prawns with a delicious recipe!