Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The demise of the Orangutans

It just keeps me awake at night remembering a solitary young Orangutan reaching up to a machine trying to fend off this machine from destroying a burning tree which is his food that is disappearing his life and his vanishing food! The Forest is being destroyed and her food as well.

Judi Dench has adopted a couple of these animals. When I was travelling in the area after University I was hitchhiking round the near East through Bali, Indonesia and Sumatra where I was lucky enough to see them. This was 40 years ago!They were on one of the islands, in an area of forest which was destroyed by the Loggers. The Indigenous tribes are in trouble too.The tribes are under threat; one had no idea what would happen to this part of the globe! They are sure that they will be murdered very soon. Will we hear about it! :/

It is so sad that the creatures that seemed easily seen are now under threat, when we travel up to London we used to have the wind screen covered with insects, but now we hardly see any. All the birds that are now on the endangered list, in the garden here there are so many Goldfinches being fed by there mothers. But all the animals that I saw as a child are now quite rare from harvest mice to Red Squirrels, Polecats further North towards Scotland, it is so sad that my Grandchildren may not be able to see these lovely creatures.

Meanwhile some good news to end with. I have seen lots of Goldfinches in the garden today and the Mums being called over to feed the babies - two lots they did if not more!

Again Blue Tits and Coal Tits, and again a few more butterflies - including Painted Ladies that have flown from sub Saharan Africa. It is amazing how these tiny fragile things travel all that way and we must protect them.