Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Elizabeth Kendall - the modern Freya Stark

On September 20th I went to a fascinating talk by a Lady called Elizabeth Kendall talking about that little known and misunderstood country of Yemen. The reason that it is misunderstood is because nobody is travelling there and we are told that it is not advisable to do so.

Elizabeth travels frequently and can speak Arabic and is protected by a large band of Yemeni tribesmen with whom she has made good friends. The Civil war in Yemen has been going on for years and the population is now in a state of not seeing a way out. Those that are perpetuating this conflict are the Saudis and there are not enough people that are brave enough to travel and see what’s going on! How do you start? It’s difficult - one has to have contacts in the country and a genuine concern for the place. I have lived in Oman as a teacher and got to feel very much for that country and I am very concerned about what happens in that region. These travels will expose those countries that are keeping these wars continuing and those countries that are being helpful!