Friday, April 20, 2018

Plastic pollution chokes Indonesia's rivers

  • Yesterday I saw on the BBC news the problems in Indonesia with the amount of Plastic waste that was clogging the waterways and streams in the area!  
  • In the UK we hear on the news that Plastic Mugs and "One off" reusable mugs are not reusable! although the public are told they are.
  • We see these rivers clogged with plastic waste in such huge areas and it seems to me that it is almost as much of a crime as what goes on in Yemen's war which I was concerned about  last week!
  • Then in Lebanon there are pollution problems that are off the scale. This is because there is a strike with the Refuse collectors, this has been going on for some time
  • The Queen has started a new appeal with David Attenborough to set up a Green Planet and has got various nations to donate an area of their nation to make a greener planet by donating areas of forest. This is a great achievement.

Is there any way we can appeal to the striking Refuse collectors for the sake of the Planet? Do something about this!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lebanon's Trash

There is a Rubbish strike in Lebanon, and all along the road there are piles of plastic bits and pieces. So what will they do with those piles of Rubbish. Call off the strike and get those unemployed members of the public to earn some money sorting out the rubbish.
This would enable the Government to sort the strike and employ some people, which will help the economy.
Veronica Morris.