Tuesday, March 21, 2017

 A boy on the news yesterday that he had nothing to do, where are all the youth clubs? As the old saying goes the devil finds work for those with nothing to do. It seems that we are a very selfish generation, thinking of none but ourselves. The trouble is that we are a generation that appear very selfish. It was Volunteers day a few weeks ago, and where are all the people that became Scout Masters or Mistresses, or Brown Owls or leaders of teenagers in Church, it can seem daunting to some people, but can be rewarding. It keeps people in touch with how the youth is thinking, that can help in troubled times.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

An FGM clinic Closes.

I have discovered today that a clinic specialising in FGM, a lifeline for a great number of Women suffering from this barbaric practice, is closing. This was at a doctors' surgery in Acton and a lifeline to many women in that area. Ealing Council is closing their Well Women clinic which was a great support.for that area. So where is the closest clinic? There needs to be a series of clinics for this problem which is a hidden but a growing problem. There is a rumour that this clinic may stay open as there are so many people that were horrified by this and so many families it affected.