Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Medical Justice is a small charity, advertising for Doctors or health visitors at this moment, this very small but influential harity is becoming more welknown. and works with Asylum seekers, these have travelled many miles and are kept in shocking conditions. When you think how far they have travelled and live in fear of their lives, in case they are sent back the countries they came from.
These are interesting positions and I would highly recommend this group, they are a very supportive lot of people unfortunately I am not medically trained otherwise I would love to volunteer!

The Boko Haram girls

The families of those girls kidnapped by Boko Haram two years ago were so distraught, and there was a huge outcry in protest although nothing was done about it. What can be done? The girls must be married now or spoken for with members of the gang,
One leader of Boko Haram who had survived in a splinter group named Ansaru, was called Khalid Al Barnawi. It seems that he was a transnational terrorist and the backbone of Al Qaeda and affiliated with the splinter groups - he is very influential.
He is only one part of a desperate organisation. But he has been arrested. His arrest is a milestone for all the different parties The At Oim and those further afield. It seems that this arrest will unify the move against Boko Haram.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Standing for Election

We are in Cornwall at the moment. William is standing for Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall the Isles of Scilly and I really believe that he will do an excellent job. He is from Cornwall and spent some of his School days in North Devon! I was a student at Exeter University and have a number of friends there,
We have a meeting in Exeter on Tuesday seeing the other candidates and being briefed by the Chief Constable and his staff.

See William's website on and watch one of his videos: