Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What is happening in Sudan?

I was watching an interview with Patricia Parker who instigated KidsforKids, in Sudan, in this interview she said that in the time it had taken to watch the interview a child would have died of malnutrition. In many parts of Sudan there was no running water and kids would have to walk miles to get water. The other difficulty is the fact that the disease malaria, which is easily treated in the west takes it's toll over there,
Again, FGM this abhorrent practice, which my be banned world wide, should be explained to the people who promote it what it does to those girls. It is no use that those in the west make a stand without explaining why they have done this, So the major issue is dialogue between the two. We need to lobby the Governments of Sudan & UK & US to listen to the people. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Women under pressure as rape continues to be a weapon of war

Women in War are thought of as a commodity and are used as a financial lever to create more money. ISIS are holding women and children, as we see that the final outcome is the ultimate penalty of rape, which has long-lasting effects upon the victim and the family.
On Tuesday 8th Sept Vladimir Putin Headlined in the "Evening Standard" when he said that Islamic State must be destroyed at all costs.
Boko Haram was talked about on the news last night and where had the girls gone? There must be a number of parents who have not given up hope, feeling one day they would hear of them. The concern is we do not have this story reported. Why not? Maybe the refugees story is so huge, and rightly these lesser stories get swamped.
Has Putin helped the World, or will it take dialogue with Islamic State?

Then there is the difficulty of nurses in the UK - will Cameron help the doctors? I had  an MRI yesterday, and feel that it is a miracle that by loading you into a canister and playing discordant sounds at you somehow you have an image of yourself.
Being a teacher it concerns me that in UK in the National Curriculum they are phasing out Physics, despite the miracle of the MRI and all those intricate well thought out theories.