Sunday, February 22, 2015

What is Boko Haram up to?

What is Boko Haram up to?
We may not have seen anything about this organisation for some time! But in Nigeria Mike Smith has written a book called "Inside Nigeria's Unholy War".
Reviewing the book, David Blair traces the development of Boko Haram over the last decade from a marginal sect to a vicious insurgency. Writing for the Daily Telegraph he sites the rise of this insurgency. 200 girls were kidnapped from a prestigious boarding school in Chibok Northern Nigeria, by Boko Haram under the leadership of Abubakar Shekau. This terrifying, figure  released a video message stating that they would be sold into slavery. There are rumours that bodies had been found in a nearby area linked to the kidnapping.Who does one trust? What is this the reason for these rumours? Egypt got rid of the journalist who was desperate to hear the whole story, his name was Peter Greste. Similarly Kenji Goto was killed in Syria by terrorists. This man just wanted to know the truth behind these stories, which I think is a very brave thing to do, as I am sure most of the western world would like to know.