Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Anger over Missing Students in Mexico

The missing 43 students has erupted into violence reports Nina Lakhani in Mexico corrupt police in league with a criminal gang. Three members of the gang confessed to killing and burning and burying the students in a rubbish on the night they were abducted.

Also today Mon 10th Nov there were looking for the students sadly thy discovered 10 sites and in addition 15 were found. Tragic that these young lives were cut off in their prime!

Broken Promises

Going back to the First World War, promises that were given then to the Arabs and were reneged on with disastrous consequences! Even now we said we would stand by Kurdistan again at the end of the .Second World War. There is a picture of the divide on page 3 of the Independent newspaper showing the girls and boys in Iran being kept apart from the nominations for the new science Minister, to hear President Hassan Rouhani talk.

In the same paper there was a piece by Mrs Melinda Gates who is quoted "Invest in a woman and you invest in everyone" "All lives have equal value  anywhere on the planet". We look around London and this holds true. Families during this economic purge, when they say there are a rising number of Millionaires in London, where is this money coming from? US!!

I look at the front page of The Sunday Times on Nov 23rd and read that "Fee paying schools have become so expensive that all sorts of professions could not afford them! They rely on pupils from overseas.

In "The Independent" today  Serco who has a dubious track record, is going to run "Yarls Wood" immigration centre despite a succession of scandals. I visited Yarls Wood a couple of years ago and they call it an immigration Centre , but it feels like a prison; you have to be locked out and locked back in. The endless clanking of keys as you come and go, The company appeared to be the best in meeting quality control and the cost criteria and provided value for money for the taxpayer.
The worry is that cutting corners does not help the prisoner inside!

Maybe Broken Promises doesn't cover this but maybe it should have been "Major Cover-Ups! They are happening allover the world!

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Boys are Next

We heard last night that Boko Haram the translation of which reads Western education is forbidden. Western influence is a sin and Westernization is sacrilege!There was a group of male pupils at a school Nigeria suicide bombers came in and blew them and a number of other people up.

Today in The Independent on Thursday 13th Nov the Christians are defying ISIS. There  are only 5,000 out of 8,000 that remain they are thinking of leaving as ISIS is getting nearer. Robert Fisk tells us that this Exodus of the Christians from the Middle East only began the invasion of Iraq by the Anglo-Americans.

There is a picture in the article of a wedding in Qamishli, conducted by Father Saliba. The article is titled  "a few thousand Syrian Christians remain to defy ISIS. What is ISIS? People say that it is the remnants of Al Qaeda, but the meaning of the word is "The Base" in Arabic. its a multinational, stateless army and an extremist group, it has been designated a terrorist organisation by the UN

Robert Fisd cites that when the Christians had to leave Mosul they thought that what had happened in Iraq would happen in Qamishli. ISIS did many things at this time to frighten us so our people are migrating.

I am watching the news tonight and the Syrians have moved away as thy think that their life in the past will never return many children singing about freedom in Turkey, so very sad it is really awesome the scale of it.

Monday, November 10, 2014

"Bahrain & Beyond"

We had the opportunity today to introduce the topic of Bahrain to a group of people that knew little about it but not in detail. We can't know everything about everywhere. There was an interesting book called "Interfaith Dialogue" an Islamic Perspective, an interesting book and informative with the insights of the area, which we got at the conference.
In the Guardian today Jo Tuckman writes about the murder of Mexican 43 Student teachers who were massacred in a rubbish dump very similar to the girls from a private school in Zimbabwe what happened to those parents who had been promised they would be returned!
It seems that the younger generations have been targeted in various parts of the world. The young people are becoming very vocal as are the women.
Watch this space you will see what happens! In the next few weeks.