Thursday, September 25, 2014

Crossing the Line

Kim Sengupta the Defence Correspondent reporting yesterday in The Independent observed that the hitting of Isis on the ground was not in the world’s interest; Barak Obama felt that they had crossed the red line that was specified and would be targeted by the US air strikes!

Why is there such fear instilled in us about ISIS? One of the many problems is there is no communication with this group! What they are doing is so barbaric in most people’s eyes and there is no-one we can discuss it with. I was talking to a gentleman today who had tried to approach them out in this area. He has had a lot of experience and written a book about his activities, and he couldn't reach them he had even sent a message to them.

I have a daughter in Baghdad and a son in Kurdistan and pray that all will be well.
I look at the map they have in the article that Syria with all its refugees just flooding into that country, they have lost their homes bombed in the Schools they went to for safety, which were bombed as well. Children from this area suffer from bed-wetting.  The Sonic Bombs which are designed to warn the adults that an attack is coming. Children are unaware of this but realise their home has gone and all this leaves is anger and how does one come to terms with that? There is going to be a whole generation of Angry People that will this last a generation! As in the First World War what was done needs healing, as in The Middle East this whole area needs the same.  


Why are we all so frightened! The whole world seems to be living with fear! Oliver Wright writes that British Muslim leaders united to call on Isis to release imprisoned Alan Henning, an aid worker in Syria, he was kidnapped in December. It pleads with those holding Alan that he was on a humanitarian act and should be released. Lee Rigby, James Fowley two others, but knowing what happened to this series of prisoners all we can do is just pray and hope that they are influenced by the work of God and Allah (peace be with him)!

We have lived and travelled in the Middle East for many years! Daughter and sons living out there with a concern that all is well.                          

In the bible St. John Chapter 4 v 18 "Perfect Love Drives out Fear"
How can we tap into that reassurance in the Bible and the teachings of Gandhi. Does this impact our lives and our children s lives and how do we reach out to all those people going through unimaginable hardship! We feel like a mother in Childbirth as it says in Romans Chapter 8v22 But it is not Creation alone that groans with pain like a women groans like the pain of childbirth.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Mascho Piro Tribe

About three years ago, I read an article by the same Journalist Mitra Taj reporting from the Alto Madrede Dios river in Peru.He told the reader that he had discovered a tribe forgotten and living in the "Stone-Age" and had not been approached by anyone from the 21st century!

I can remember the last article when the Mitra Taj reported that the tribes women shot a spear into the skies when a helicopter flew over.  They hurruled their spears at it, as they had never seen anything like that before! People and Anthropologists went to see these people that time had forgotten. and the problem of taking them deseases became a huge problem. These deseases that we take for granted polio, smallpox, measles, killed and still does such as anthrax and now the Imola that has hit the Afican .coast! But horrors a friend had read the Evening Standard last night 9th Sept that an actavist in the Jungle protesting that the roads made by the rubber plantation  had been shot!
Tragic that these people just concerned about their homeland "Big Business " solved that problem!

Very sad that for a saucepan they have risked being spotted by people nearby. There are only 600 in the area. In 1980's germs wiped out a large proportion of the tribes men. They are in two groups who move through the jungle making shelters and digging for turtle eggs, It would be such a crime that simalarily to the secrets of the benefits of certain plants in the area, we loose it all because of our greed!

The tragic thing is we can learn such a lot from these people, but destroy them in the process!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What Happens to Women in the Camps!

Orla Guerin was reporting from Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan on the 20th August and was able to show the conditions in the camp there and the situation that mothers find themselves in. Having no money and because it is a trans-cultural tradition, they were thinking of selling their daughters for the next meal! Horror we think we, who have never experienced such a predicament. Here where the clash of cultures is at the forefront of our minds.

Millions have been pledged by different Governments to the Iraq War and the fighting in Syria and where does this money go to? The public believes it's gone but it is held up and is siphoned off to other parts of the globe! We are talking here of millions of pounds. The first world which is us in the UK and could afford a meal for those destitute mothers. But how do we get it there?

Would we behave like these men going to fight from the UK? They travel there to fight to show how they feel about this horrendous situation. Would we travel there to fight for peace and help deliver humanitarian aid?